Most of us have heard the admonition to “Stop, Look, & Listen” at some point in our lives; it is a common enough phrase or parents to share with their children in hopes of teaching them to be more observant and safe. How can these few words help you when it comes to learning what to look for when replacing windows? Surprisingly enough, but making use of these three skills you can determine if your windows need to be replaced. Because replacing your windows is such a big decision, use the following information to tell you what to look for when replacing windows in your home.

Stop – think things over

Before you engage in any home improvement or repair projects, consider what the cost will be in the short term. Yes, replacing your windows might save you a lot of money in the future, but if you cannot afford to have a contractor complete the job today, all the money you’ll be saving at some unknown date doesn’t do you much good in the present!

Look – what to look for when replacing windows

What should you be looking for when you want to replace your windows? You likely know that there are several factors that you need to consider, but do you know what to look for when replacing windows in your own home? One of the biggest warning signs that indicate your windows are due for replacement is any light that is visible between the frame of the window and the sash. Take care to look at each side of the window; if you can see even a little bit of light, it’s a big clue that your windows need to be replaced because they are not aging well.


Another thing to look for is any sign of condensation on or around your windows. If you have double-paned windows, and you find condensation in between the panes, it is time to consider replacing your windows! If you have single-paned windows, the signs of condensation would appear inside the glass (the side that is inside of your home) and would appear as actual visible moisture or stains indicating that condensation had been there at one time.

Take the time to look for air leaks around your windows. Air leaks are one of the top items on the list of what to look for when replacing windows because they indicate that your windows are not sealing properly any more. You can find non-toxic smoke at your local hardware store and use it to track any obvious air leaks around your windows.

Listen – what your windows aren’t telling you

Your windows don’t need some time on the therapist’s couch, but they do need someone to listen to them. Did you know that sound is one of the top things you need to think about when considering what to do look for when replacing windows? It’s really easy to do; just close your windows as tightly as you can and listen. Do you hear any outside sounds coming through the windows? If so, how much? The level of sound that you can hear is a big indicator that your windows need to be replaced!


Replacing your windows can help reduce your energy bills, safeguard your investment in your home, and provide a safer and more comfortable living space for you and your loved ones.



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