The best time to check for leaks in your windows and doors around your home is during the change of the seasons. Many homeowners are actually dealing with leaky seals, but are unaware of it and the problems that these leaks can cause. To keep your home running as energy-efficiently as possible, it’s important to regularly check for those small air leaks that can quickly turn your home from comfortable to chilly in no time. Checking for leaky seals is a relatively simple undertaking that can save you a great deal of money on your electricity bill.

Why Should I Check For Seal Leaks?

As the seasons begin to change, so does the weather. During the warm spring and summer months, you may not have noticed any tiny seal leaks around your windows or doors. However, as the cold weather of fall and winter arrives, you’ll want to be sure that your home is as warm and cozy as possible. Checking for and sealing any leaks will help to prevent against drafts in your home. Because these leaks allow for cold air to enter and for warm air to exit, your utilities are probably not running as efficiently as you would like. Save money on your monthly utility bills and create an energy-efficient home with ease by sealing window leaks.

How To Check for Seal Leaks

Checking for leaks around your windows and doors is simple. Start by using your eyes to visually inspect all windows and doors on the interior and exterior of your home. One of the most common causes of leaks on the exterior of the home is from old caulking. This is visible where there is a gap between the window or door and the siding of your home. Single-paned windows in older homes also typically use a putty type material to hold the panes of glass in their correct place. If the putty is not sealed properly, leaks can occur over time.

In the interior of your home, you will want to inspect the weather stripping around windows and the threshold under the doors to ensure that everything is in excellent condition and that no light is shining through. Simple smoke tests or an infrared thermometer that is designed to measure the temperature around doors and windows.

What To Do When Leaks Are Found

After discovering leaks in the interior or exterior of your home, it’s time to get them sealed up. Caulking typically gets the job done in just minutes while some doors and windows may need new weather-stripping to seal large gaps shut.


The faster these issues are determined and taken care of, the more energy-efficient your home will become. If air leaks are not found early, they can end up leading to costly repairs in the future.

Image by Rachel Kramer and licensed through Creative Commons.



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